The funny thing about yesterday’s news that Minera IRL ( has (and we quote)…
…engaged Haywood Securities Inc. to act as financial advisor to Minera in support of the Company’s plans to finance the development of its Ollachea project and the repayment of balances owed to Corporacion Financiera de Desarrollo (COFIDE)
…is that if the person, entity or company that eventually engages with Haywood as potential funding source goes through all the process and then finances Ollachea without speaking to the person who knows more about this company than anyone else outside it (and 99% of those inside it), they need their head examining. You know where to find me, Tognetti.
I am guessing you havent interfaced with Tognetti much. Suspect that he couldnt give a rats ass about what you may or may not know about MIRL or anything else.
I am guessing you haven’t interfaced with me much. Suspect I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about what you may or may not know about MIRL or anything else.