This is what it says:
The Subscription Agreement contemplated three staged equity investments in the amounts of US$4.5 Million, CDN$2.5 Million and CDN$12.5 Million, respectively. The first two stages of this transaction were successfully completed in September and October 2007. Since that time global market conditions related to the resource sector have materially changed and many of the conditions embedded in the Subscription Agreement and Letter Agreement became untenable. As such, both parties discussed the possibility of modifying the aforementioned Agreements; however a mutually-acceptable solution could not be agreed upon.
Damien Reynolds, President and CEO noted, “While we are disappointed that the commercial agreements could not be re-negotiated, we have parted company in a positive manner. Market conditions for financing early-stage exploration companies have changed significantly since the original agreements were signed. The shareholders of Cue were exposed to massive dilution of their equity should the third payment by Cameco have been executed. This dilution was deemed unacceptable, given the excellent potential of the Yuty project, even in today’s turbulent financial environment.”
And this is what it means:
The Subscription Agreement contemplated three staged equity investments in the amounts of US$4.5 Million, CDN$2.5 Million and CDN$12.5 Million, respectively. The first two stages of this transaction were successfully completed in September and October 2007. Since that time the ridiculous bubble in uranium juniors burst and marginal projects like searching for U308 in Paraguay of all places have become plain silly. As such, both parties discussed the possibility of modifying the aforementioned Agreements; however a mutually-acceptable solution could not be agreed upon because the guys at Cameco weren’t born yesterday.
Damien Reynolds, President and CEO noted, “We’re totally screwed on our only project now, but we have to put some kind of positive spin on the thing otherwise my salary for next year might be in danger. The shareholders of Cue were exposed to massive dilution of their equity, but that wouldn’t have stopped us if Cameco had decided to move forward. It was good while it lasted, I suppose.”