Take physic, pomp

Monterrico torture update: Reuters Lima RULES

Andrew Bristow, maker of large IR mistakes

A large w00t and shoutout for Reuters, the first large English language news organization to pick up on the story of the Monterrico Metals (MNA.L) torture and the revealing photos. Here’s the link, so go read it yourself.

And finally someone has managed to get a squeak out of the company, so full kudos goes to the reporter, Dana Ford. And the quote might be short, but it’s a real beauty. Monterrico’s IR dude Andrew Bristow said it was: “One of an enormous number of things that have happened in terms of opposition activity to the project.”

LOL!!! You mean this is only one of the tactics MNA.L has used over the years to beat peaceful protestors into submission? Priceless! File this under “can’t-make-this-shit-up-of-the-week”. A report out today said that 5,500 jobs have been lost in Peru’s mining and metallurgy sector due to the world downturn. Let’s make that 5,501 because when Bristow’s bosses find out what kind of shitstorm he’s just unleashed you can guarantee a pinkslip in his mailbox.

So anyway, nice job Reuters for getting there first. The more people know about the disgusting actions of this company the better for everyone. Except Bristow. Hah!

UPDATE: AP just added copy on the story. C’mon boyz, let’s make more noise.

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