Take physic, pomp

More about ‘The IKN Weekly’

The response this morning to the new subscription service ‘The IKN Weekly’ has taken me by pleasant surprise. Thank you to the people that have already signed up (you know who you are) and also thank you to the people that have written in asking for more information. There have been plenty of different questions arising and I’ll be answering the person-specific ones as soon as I’ve finished this post. However two questions have been repeated in several different places so by way of a pre-emptive strike I’ll answer them here.

1) Will the blog change or finish?

  • Answer: The blog continues, no worries. As for content, there is likely to be a slight change as I give first call to some of the pure mining issues to the subscription newsletter and perhaps feature them at a later date on the blog. But the general political, economic, Trading Posts, rants, opinions, and sillystuff etc etc will carry on as normal for sure.

2) Do I need a PayPal account to subscribe?

  • Answer: No, you can go to the subscription page and pay by credit card if you prefer. One you click the “subscribe” button you’re taken to the PayPal page. Under the ‘e-mail & password’ blok there’s a link that says “Don’t have a PayPal account? Use your credit card or bank account (where available).” Click that link and you’re taken to the right place…it’s pretty straightforward and totally secure.

    So with that I’ll now toddle off and answer your mails. If you decide to give the service a try, the necessary buttons (monthly or annual discounted) are over there on the right of the page. And feel free to write in with your own queries, as I’ll be happy to explain more. The main post explaining in more depth about The IKN Weekly and what it will contain/do for you can be found right here on this link. Thank you for your attention.

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