Take physic, pomp

More downward revisions for Peru

And this time it’s Spongebob and his band of liars at the Finance Ministry itself, downgrading to “between 2% and 3%” as reported by El Comercio last night. The downgrade will become official at the end of the month (when it’ll probably be called plain straight 2%).

So let’s look at how the official finance whores have forecast Peru 2009 so far in chart form. Now, I dunno ’bout you dude, but I kinda notice a trend developing………..

We do ornery (click to enlarge)
Otto, purveyor of an honest GDP forecast for all this time (1.28%) , guarantees further BS and downgrading as 2009 winds down. You seriously expect these people to be honest with you after that kind of track record?

Meanewhile, the pre-empted excuses for this month’s disaster number (about to be published…should be a lotta fun) are already rolling out. This latest one made me laugh, the headline saying “According to analysts, economy fell 2% in June due to social protests”. Y’see it isn’t the Twobreakfast/Spongebob show that’s at fault, oh no no no no no; it’s those lousy commies that protest over nothing. But they can dress it up any way they like; Peru is falling further into recession on their watch, period. Truth beats out lies eventually.

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