Take physic, pomp

More info on Hunt Oil in Madre De Dios

This was dropped into my inbox earlier this evening. I think it’s worth passing on.

My name is Sam Mitchell, aka Hambone Littletail. Earlier this year, I spent several weeks in Salvacion, Peru, investigating (among other things) Hunt Oil Company’s shenannigans in the Amarakaeri Communal Reserve (what we would call an “Indian reservation” in the states). I even managed to befriend the head honcho of Hunt’s seismic team, who is a very nice guy, by the way. I filed a short report of what I learned on the rainforest conservation site, www.mongabay.com (punch in “Hunt Oil” if you would like to read it).

Furthermore, I wrote a full (250-page) report of what I found in Madre de Dios, which I published as an e-book on www.lulu.com (punch in “Peruvian Plunge” in the search criteria; there is a nominal five-dollar charge to download it). If anybody out there following this tragic, and predictable, story, would like some background information before Saturday’s planned riot, this may be a good place to start. Keep up the good fight, amigos.

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