My oh my, what a company!
Check out this link at one of my fave mineblogs, I Think Mining. Capella has a real reputation in the trade, as does the puppeteer behind the show, Brian Gracey.Also unmissable is David Baines report on the ultra-shady Gracey, linked right here. Here’s how the Baines report starts:
Brian Gracey’s business doesn’t look like a cash cow, but it is.
His office is located on the fourth floor of the tired Credit Foncier building at 850 West Hastings. The sign at the entrance says “apella Resources,” a wounded vestige of Capella Resources, one of many TSX Venture Exchange-listed companies that he has controlled or managed during his two decades on Howe Street.
His office is, well, shabby. Some old steel filing cabinets, a couple of desks, no receptionist, just somebody who answers the door if you knock loudly enough. But appearances can be deceiving. Gracey has made a good living on Howe Street, good enough to afford to live in a $2.2-million home in the British Properties.
The more you look, the more incredible it seems that the Canadian OSC regulators have never lifted a finger to protect innocent retail shareholders from these criminals. Now you know why I keep on calling the Canadian market one of the most corrupt in the world.
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