Take physic, pomp

Must-read research on community and political risk in Peru

Now, this humble corner of cyberspace has occasionally been known to lapse into snark and irony in order to make a point or two, but there are also times when we get to pass along solid and fundamentally important research into LatAm mining issues, the type that professionals in the sector need to read. This post is one of those moments.
The paper linked here is entitled “Getting it Right? Challenges to Prior Consultation in Peru”, and is written by two internationally respected social science academics. It goes into well-researched detail on the “Consulta Previa” (prior consultation) law in Peru that is supposed to give local populations a voice and legally binding opinion on large civil works projects that may affect them. This, of course, includes mining projects in Peru. What you don’t get is a mouthy op-ed piece, what you do get is a thorough 33 page paper that goes into specific examples of how the law is (and is not) being applied in Peru, the problems arising, plus potential improvements in the current situation.
This cannot be stressed enough: It’s a must-read for anyone connected with or concerned about the mining industry in Peru. You read this paper, you’ll know what there is to know. Here’s the link again, it’s a free download, go use it.

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