Take physic, pomp

My very favourite part of the current Majaz/Rio Blanco court hearing

Andrew Bristow, prize shit

Right now a court case is going on the the UK to try and get to the bottom of the Majaz/Rio Blanco torture case that we’ve featured on this humble corner of cyberspace quite a lot. Here’s my very favourite quote from proceedings so far, part of the depositions made by witnesses late last week:

The engineers José Saavedra and Darwin Palacios as well as workers Eugenio Castro and Román Tirado Villar, confirmed that the company (Monterrico Metals) coordinated the reprisal operation against the protestors.

Román Tirado, administrator of the Rio Blanco camp, kept in constant contact with Andrew Bristow Bevege, Director and General Manager of the company, who ordered the security company ‘Forza’ and the police to abuse and torture the protestors.

José Saavedra affirmed that “Román Tirado gave instructions to the police, the workers and to Forza about the villagers, said that they were terrorists and they had to be treated as such. He also was in charge of taking the photographs”.

We always suspected Andrew Bristow to be a total shit. Now we know.

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