It’s been a while since we looked at the doings and goings on of Nadagold (NG), the all mighty dog-of-all-dog mining company (and by that I mean pockets, not gold). Let’s start off with the price chart and….

….oh dear, that’s not right, is it? But thanks to reader ‘M’ (
thank you) we got ourselves something to chew on and can find out a bit of reasoning as to why the company is going down like Jenna Haze*. Up in Nome Alaska, Ricky van Alphabet has been trying to do some PR to stop the bad public opinion building against him and the company. He also finally got round to paying the money NG owed to local authorities, as ‘M’ notes:
They did finally pay the City the $1.9mm it owned them. Nova wanted to swap land for the bill but the Nome City fathers shot that down and made them pay cash.
Alphabet was also out there hitting the radio stations and combatting another front of bad vibes locally, because Nadagold has been slapped with a US gov’t violation order on the cleanup of its Rock Creek project near the city. Y’see, the pisspoor engineering done by NG meant that the whle area behind the tailings wall flooded out and the company was told to pump (or be fined) before the freakin’ wall collapses and real damage is done. Sure enough NG dragged its heels on the job so the enviro people slapped them with yet another violation. So now as part of the clean-up operation NG wants to pump its waste into the Nome sewage system, to which reader ‘M’ commented:
The word on the street is the community is not too keen on the idea of the mine pumping their excess water to Nome and into the sewage lagoon (see Nugget story). Not so much as it will affect the lagoon, but more as “why should we bailout these guys for bad engineering especially since RVN stated in the press that the drunk Nome workforce was one of the reasons the mine closed (another Nome Nugget story from earlier this year)”.
Drunken workforce, eh? Let’s see what our friend the owl thinks of that concept
You sure got a smooth way with words, Rickyboy.
Word also has it that NG is doing some resource drilling. Time for a little smoke’n’mirrors press release? Only time will tell, but do the right thing and leave this dog to the idiots in New York City that actually believe NG will one day produce gold. Biggest scam out there, avoid like the plague. Find out all the details of the above at
The Nome Nugget here and at the right page for most of the words
*Before you say anything, I Googled and found out the name of the latest star in the sector. Didn’t know previously.