Take physic, pomp

New Gold (NGD): Sheer coincidence

You just know that this…….

New Gold Inc. (NGD)

As of July 6th, 2010
Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
Jul 05/10 Jun 29/10 Gallagher, Robert Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 – Disposition in the public market -350,000 $6.604
Jul 05/10 Jun 29/10 Gallagher, Robert Direct Ownership Common Shares 51 – Exercise of options 160,000 $3.210
Jul 05/10 Jun 29/10 Gallagher, Robert Direct Ownership Common Shares 51 – Exercise of options 190,000 $2.710
Jul 05/10 Jun 29/10 Gallagher, Robert Direct Ownership Options 51 – Exercise of options -160,000 $3.210
Jul 05/10 Jun 29/10 Gallagher, Robert Direct Ownership Options 51 – Exercise of options -190,000 $2.710

….has absolutely nothing to do with this:

“On July 7, the Fifth Auxiliary District Court in Mexico City denied the company’s appeal against the September 2009 ruling by the Federal Court of Fiscal and Administrative Justice that ordered SEMARNAT, the Mexican government’s environmental regulatory agency, to cancel the company’s EIS in November 2009.


“”While we are disappointed by this most recent decision, we will continue to pursue all avenues to ensure the continuous operation of Cerro San Pedro,” stated Robert Gallagher, President and Chief Executive Officer.”

I mean, it’s only 350,000 options with (pre-tax) net proceeds of $1.28m. Who would ever screw over their shareholders for such a measly sum?

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