Take physic, pomp

News roundup (move ’em on, head ’em up rawhide)

Evo Morales or John Denver? YOU BE THE JUDGE!

Bolivia gets told by the IMF that it has a strong economy, it should keep spending on social programs, its public sector is healthy and its banking system is strong. Don’t say I didn’t tell yas.

Mo’ Evo, and the coin shown above is one of five that Chile (of all places) presented to Bolivia to mark te 200th anniversaty of the “shout for liberty in Latin America”. This must be some sort of Chilean bribery technique (they’re not very good at backsheesh in Chile). I’m just waiting for the “Now sell us your natgas, bitches.”

Brazil, With Vitoria Saddi posting a neat analysis on the ever strengthening (literally and figuratively) Brazilian Real. With Lula in China the subject is whether the Real will eventually become a convertible currency (i.e. not needing to go via the dollar to do business with, for example, China).

Peru’s Amazon basin indigenous vs Peru’s government and hydrocarbons development; here’s an excellent resource for Spanish speakers to find out the latest from the indigenous side of the argument. For the governmental side, just watch any Peru TV station or read any Peru national newspaper or international newswire.

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