Take physic, pomp

News roundup (we scrape the corners of the bottom of the barrel that others daren’t touch)

Go Borev….. Go Honduras…Go!

Fruitfly-level analysis on Peru’s stock market, as 364 words of waffle fails to point out the bleedin’ obvious (as seen in the CotD this morning). It’s really easy, so listen up once and be done: Cu spot up, Peru up. Cu spot down, Peru down. The rest is noise (and there’s plenty of noise in the mediocrity served up by DJNW/WSJ).

Bolivia proves yet again that it’s far better at combatting its cocaine problem than the DEA ever was. The FELCN anti-narco police have taken a 35 metric tonne per annum cocaine factory out of commission in the (natch) Santa Cruz area…hey…I wonder why Branko doesn’t like Evo? Anyway, that kind of cocaine cookpot is just enormous and to give you some context, that would be just under 1/3rd of Bolivia’s cocaine production in 2008. Of course, the English media can’t be bothered to mention it, preferring some story about some child molester dying somewhere.

Chile’s assumed GDP growth came in -4.4% YoY for May and +0.1% compared to the previous month. Sounds about right.

As for Honduras, Borev scoops the world and wins with the clearly greatest story on the coup so far. Go see for yourself.

Ecuador, and good old Dynasty Metals (DMM.to) reminds me just how stupid the market really is. The company issues a PR saying that the VP Minister of Mines went on a visit and said nice things and the stock shoots up 6% on a general down day (good volumes, too). Nothing that we didn’t know before, but the herd needs to be whacked over the head with a 2×4 before it believes the obvious.

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