With the now-confirmed news that Pacific Rubiales (PRE.to) is getting bought out by the Alfa/Harbour Energy double-act (Setty on the ball as always), thoughts turn to those using insider information to get rich quick:
Never heard of before, some outfit called Volbor Trading Ltd comes out of nowhere and buys up 2.66m shares of PRE.to just days before it gets bought out at a much higher price, netting the Volbor people close to $6m for a week’s work. Nice work if you can get it of course but the thing is, very but VERY little comes up on the Googlymachine about Volbor, which is more than weird for a financial entity.
Therefore, Canadian regs bodies, you have a job to do. If you’re not as totally corrupt as I think you are.
UPDATE: Ah, it’s Derwick Associates:
UPDATE 2: And good morning to George Pyper of Endeavour Financial. Beats me why he might find any thoughts of illegal insider trading in PRE.to interes….ah yeah, that’d be why.