Take physic, pomp

Paraguay, Sex and drugs, (no rock’n’roll..yet)

They asked him to resign, and he resigned.
This crazy Paraguay place will start getting a hedonistic reputation sooner or later, mark my words.

  • First you have a President with a background of extracurricular activities not normally associated with Catholic bishops (by that I mean he’s into adult women more than the usual temptation traps) and with a child support burden to match.
  • Then there’s the recent data that has Paraguay as the world’s number two producer of marijuana (ask anyone in Buenos Aires about the quality and they’ll grin cheesily).
  • And now a new scandalette, with Paraguay’s ambassador to Chile caught with his pants (about to be) down at a bachelor party (photos from here).

This Armando Espínola dude in question, who is married to one very pissed off wife, is also famed for another sexy moment a few years ago when he was caught on camera checking out girly photos on his laptop while voting for a new law while a member of Paraguay’s senate. He today resigned his diplomatic post in Chile and is presumably on his way back to sexytown Asuncion.

Now to be fair to Espínola, he said that the photos were taken years ago at a bachelor party and that someone had recently tried to blackmail him with the evidence.

Nice wig, Armando
When he refused, the presumed blackmailer went to the local Paraguay scandalrag ‘Popular’ to sell their wares. Darnit, there must be something in that tereré to get all these political hormones rushing about. Well, at least the guy had enough gumption to resign, not like that tosser Berlusconi in Italy.

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