Take physic, pomp

Peru: “All the gains in confidence of the last three years have disappeared in the quarter”

So says Michelson Survey, the company that conducts Peru’s most reliable consumer confidence survey, the IAC.
Let’s play ‘Spot The Trend’

As well as the lowest rating since Twobreakfasts came to power (yep, even worse than last year), the most telling datapoint is that 43% of those surveyed that earn under S/1000 per month (as close to the national average as dammit) say they are worse off today than they were a year ago, with just 15% saying they’re better off. “This is why they have been provoked into protesting”, says Michelson. Meanwhile, those surveyed that earn over S/3,500 a month (over triple the national average) are happy with their lot and the majority are better off than they were a year ago….hoodathunkit, eh? Gotta love that trickledown economics thing.

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