…so this second chart strips out the “same” and “no opinion” replies to give an easier-on-the-eye snapshot.
So of the 15 categories on display, things are worse than they were previously in nine, same in two and better in four. And note we’re talking about the Toledo government by comparison here, the guy that polled single digit popularity numbers when in office. The bar was set very low for Twobreakfasts and he’s jumped like an elephant. True mediocrity.
Finally, let’s just point to the fact that although Peruvians recognize there is more investment coming into the country (other parts of the same survey make that abundantly clear) they are less content with their lot. It does beg the question as to why the meme of “foreign investment good” is pumped down people’s throat sans cesse. But hey, wait a moment! Never mind the locals’ views, cos it just so happens to benefit the people that write the reports saying “FDI good”.