Take physic, pomp

Peru: Join the campaign against death threats suffered by the Monterrico Metals whistleblower journalist

As mentioned in this post last Sunday, Julio Vásquez Calle has been receiving continued death threats via anonymous phone calls (to his home telephone and private cellular number). He is the journalist who went public with the now infamous photos that showed the extent of the torture suffered by himself and 28 others at the Monterrico (MNA.L) mining camp at Majaz, now re-named Rio Blanco. Anyone that has basic knowledge of Peru’s modern history understands that death threats there are no joke at all.

The good news is that now there’s a mail-writing and petition campaign that is making people aware of the threats suffered by Vásquez, and you can join in (in either Spanish or English, as you prefer). Lillie over at Memory In Latin America has all the necessary details in this post right here, so please go over, spend five minutes of your time and write a mail that will promote free speech in Peru, protect a brave reporter and help put another nail into the coffin of the sordid junior mining company that gives the industry such a bad name.

Thank you in advance.

Cool, the excellent
UK blog Ten Percent has picked up the baton and is running with it. Great to get support for this issue in MNA.L’s homeland. Thanks RB

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