Take physic, pomp

Peru June GDP negative 2.08%

Read all about it here

Ah, that economic miracle. I wonder who’s feeling the most stupid right now?
  • Spongebob and his “ya tocamos fondo” repeated this time every month?
  • Twobreakfasts and his “we’re armour plated against the crisis” and his +6.5% GDP forecast for 2009?
  • S&P for giving the country invetsment grade and justifying its decision with talk of the “vibrant internal economy”…oh is that manufacturing down 15% again?
  • The idiots that actually thought GarcĂ­a would do a good job this time?
No, most likely the biggest idiots are the ones that still believe anything this government say, buy into the “we’re still growing” tosh and nonsense and even go for the “we’ll be fine in 2010” malarkey.

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