Take physic, pomp

Peru’s cocaine trade: the good, the bad and the ugly

The good
This year Peru’s anti-narco forces have intercepted 32 metric tonnes of cocaine and coca paste. That’s up from the 28MT captured in 2007.

The bad
In 2007 Peru is estimated to have produced 290MT of cocaine. This means 90% of the drug is got through. This year all experts concur that production has been significantly higher though there are no final numbers being bandied about as yet.

The ugly
Peru refuses to admit responsibility for its own problem. According to the government, it’s the fault of Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path). It’s the fault of the Bolivians. The latest excuse is “The Mexican Cartels”. Ain’t no drug money corrupting our politicians, oh no no no no no……..

And finally, the comparison
Bolivia produces an estimated 100MT of cocaine per year. In the first 11 months of 2008 its government seized and confiscated 25.5MT of cocaine and coca paste. And remember, Peru is the USA’s golden boy and Bolivia doesn’t do enough to combat its problem.


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