“Petaquilla now has permission from Panama’s environmental regulator to go ahead with the project.”
Joy of joys, this is a confirmed and confirmable whopper. Big fib spotted. This is 100% false. Liar, liar, frilly panties on fire, Mr. Byrne. How do we know this? Because if you check back at yesterday’s post we have the Panama Environment Ministry on record as stating:
In reply to your query, the Category III environmental impact study establishes requirements that the company must submit for evaluation and approval before the start of any works and before the start of operations. The company must also present additional environmental impact studies for activities that were not approved in the Category III.
This means that, even though it has ANAM approval for the Category III study, the company cannot continue its activities until it completes the additional requirements.
So now we can trundle off to the OSC and register an official complaint about these scam artists who pretend they have a legal, decent, operative gold mine. And as usual the OSC will do nothing, because a bigger bunch of lilly livered apologists for corporate thievery has yet to be invented in the industrialized nations.
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Petaquilla Minerals: “Oops, we forgot to tell you that we’re a bunch of lying shits.”