Take physic, pomp

Poor little hard done by pump artists

Plenty of moaning and groaning being picked up by this humble scribe about the way gold is up this week (GLD up 1.4% since last weekend) but the juniors miners haven’t followed suit (e.g. GDXJ down very slightly since the weekend). Well that might be true for you, follower of crap stocks and BS pump jobs, but over at The IKN Weekly Stocks to Follow list just four of the 15 junior mining stocks covered are down on the week. Another two are unchanged, then nine are showing gains since last weekend. Quite a few of those winners showing decent percentage differences, too. I feel for you all, I really do. Not.
For more information on a decent selection process for juniors, rather than chasing the waste of space pumpjob fed to you by Scamsberry or the two-faced scumballs who “only want to help you” at CEO.ca, see the IKN flowchart:

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