Take physic, pomp

Rare Earths must read

We like Mercenary Geologist Mickey Fulp and we really, really like the article he published over at Rare Metal Blog yesterday that ripped a new one for an outfit known as Australian American Mining (AIW.ax). Go follow that link yourself to find out why, but just as a general jist feeling thing, here’s an extract:
“…Okay, well and good: Promotional but no big red flags for me except the hosts are complex pegmatites, which are usually small and seldom have the size and grade to make mineable ore bodies, especially in the southwestern United States.

But then it goes to hell in a hand basket in a hurry:….

Love it! Y’see, it’s a bit like the Ottotrans™ posts we run at this humble corner of cyberspace…only much better. When a ranting fool such as your author rips into these thingsit’s one thing, but when somebody like Fulp, a professional and highly experienced geologist, gets busy on these “marginal companies” (let’s say) and the way they obfuscate, bewilder and represent themselves as HarderBetterStrongerFaster than they are…well, it’s another level. Go Mickey!
So go read Fulp’s words yourself by clicking this link. You’ll learn stuff about REEs, you’ll learn about News Release red flags and you’ll learn that there are people such as Mickey Fulp out there in the wild world of the interbwebnetpipes trying their best  to protect you from scamsters. DYODD.

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