Take physic, pomp

Re-post: Start thinking about getting those Christmas presents organized…

……and put in an order or seven for this book.

Gods, Gachupines and Gringos by Richard Grabman is a great read on the history of Mexico that starts at the Olmecs and finishes in the present day. This isn’t some dusty-dry piece of academia, either; the writing style is fresh and it’s a real page-turner that educates and entertains in equal measure. Get your order in now and you get free delivery straight from the publishers (and by cutting out the eventual Amazon listing the author gets more percentage for his work, too).

To find out more about the process behind the writing of Gods, Gachupines and Gringos check out this recent post at Grabman’s blog The Mex Files. You can also get to the publisher’s order page very easily from his site, or if you like click here.

So for yourself or anyone you know that’s interested in Latin America, this book is a perfect fit as a gift and won’t break the bank come the festive season, either. Get your order in today. And just to be clear, I get no commission, payment or anything of the sort from promoting Grabman’s book. This post is for the sole benefit(s) of you the reader and Grabman the author.

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