Take physic, pomp

Ready to be RIMmed in the uranium sector?

I will at least give credit to Rule Investment Media for the constant use of its own acronym in publicity material, they’re not trying to hide the fact that RIM is on their mind as they tout for your business. However, today’s advert for Rule’s uranium RIM job (or is it a RIM shot?) is extra special:

As for what you get for your money…

…wonderfully, for just $99 you gain a full understanding of the U sector. A bit of a bummer for any geol who decided to go to an expensive university but that’s how technology is taking over, I suppose. You’ll also learn about all the uranium stocks and companies in the enti…ah, wait, you’ll hear about the ones covered at Sprott or owned by The Rickster himself…almost the same.

But fear not, because there’s something Rick wants you to know: He loves you, cherishes you, cares about you and deeply appreciates and respects you, your children and your children’s children.


    Stan/Loretta: “…and your children’s children’s children. And your children’s children’s children’s children.”

    Juicy Warrant A Beaten Down Prospectors Cabin In The Woods 19/01/22 1:46 am

    Ha, ha, ha, ha ….. only $99 – those university dweebs must be feeling jipped

    Juicy Warrant A Beaten Down Prospectors Cabin In The Woods 19/01/22 1:47 am

    Ha, ha, ha, ha ….. only $99 – those university dweebs must be feeling jipped

    Tim Almaty Kazakhstan 22/01/22 2:52 pm

    Not sure how these guys can live with themselves. You see it everyday. Entities designed with the sole purpose of fleecing retail investors. No FCF , just stakeholders living comfortably.


      We participate in a sector that attracts the soulless like flies to… bees to honey, Oh Mighty Tim (another Python quote, btw).


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