Take physic, pomp

Reasons to read IKN, Continental Gold (CNL.to) edition

In fact true props must be given to Paul Harris of The Colombia Gold Letter and also his blog right here, because he was fast on the case that Tuesday morning. But still, in this post pre-bell Tuesday IKN made it clear the news was bad for CNL.to, something that the scamster Ari Sussman tried hard to hide in his company NR the next day. Which we really laughed about in this post. Scamster is as scamster does, Ari.
And here we are Thursday morning, the gold complex is going through the roof and all gold companies are loving the pop. All except one.
Any further questions?
PS: Yes, you should read The Colombia Gold Letter.
PPS: No, it’s not too late to sell your CNL. It’s going to zero, just the same as the way Ari Sussman’s previous scam Colossus Minerals went to zero. 

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