Take physic, pomp

Regarding porcine make-up sessions

My thanks to reader ‘DM’ for the headsup.

Yesterday morning we noted the drilling results and wondered out loud just how Peter ‘Holier-Than-Thou’ Grandich would lipstick this pig of a NR to his flock of devotees. Well we didn’t have to wait long, it seems. Here’s the charlatan’s call on EVG’s news:

“…management has a better understanding of what they may be dealing with at both projects. I also would pay attention to the notation made about Rattlesnake that said:

“…Coupled with the distribution and intensity of potassic alteration and the nearby mineralized porphyry dikes in RSC-027, the mineralization at the bottom of RSC-006 is interpreted as potentially peripheral to a mineralized porphyry…”

Yeah, that feeder system just waiting to be drilled out Petey….

Of course, this rosy picture of a company with 140m shares out (which has exploded from 81m as at March 2009), around 18c to 20c of cash to back that up, a eyepopping burn rate and properties that ain’t worth the cactus on top of them is not at all affected by Grandich’s 1.1m shares held in EVG that he disclosed this spring, bought around the buck mark. Oh no, not at all.

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