It’s been the Top Pick at The IKN Weekly for what seems like a couple of lifetimes, as subbers well know there was a wobbly two or three months back at the turn of the year when I was getting a bit cheesed off with the losses, wasn’t interested in adding and was seriously considering downgrading the stock, but now gold’s in fashion and we’re all freakin’ geniuses again and all of a sudden people want to know about Clive “I’m a F__king CEO” Johnson and his thrusting enterprise. Which he built. And isn’t pwned by Fidelity at all. Oh no.
To the point: I’ve received a flurry of mails* asking what would be a good entry point for B2Gold.
The answer is “February”.
More precisely, the weekend of February 14th 2016 when in IKN353 we ran the numbers once again on BTO but this time saw bigtime light at the end of its long tunnel. So we changed the near-term call back to buy (nay strong buy) and upped targets. That weekend BTG was U$1.04 and was C$1.42, so call them 50% up from there.
Or the next weekend when I underscored that call in IKN354 dated Feb 21st with things like…
“…this is the same point I made last week, that BTO is
still undervalued! And even after beating out the sector averages neatly last
week, it’s still undervalued! People, this is the sound of me banging on the
table about BTO, here you have a stock that doesn’t need a single dollar added to
the price of gold in order to see its share price improve…”
…when BTG was still waiting for lift-off at U$1.11. We’ve enjoyed gold’s 4.7% pop since then which helped our charge along, but the 47.7% gain in less than a month on a very outsized position cash-wise knocks that into the proverbial cocked hat.
Anyway and to paraphrase Jack K, whither goest thou B2Gold in your shiny car at night? All the 20/20 hindsight in the world won’t answer what the stock could do next, so that’s this weekend in IKN359, we’re doing BTO as the main event this weekend. Be there or be square.
*to be precise, five