Take physic, pomp

Responding to mailbag: The case for going long Metanor Resources (MTO.v)

It goes something like this:
“I like that it’s produced over 12,000 ounces of gold this quarter, even though I’m fully aware that Metanor (MTO.v) produced over 12,000 ounces of gold in its last quarter and made a loss. I know that it has a crapload of financial liabilities to pay down. I’m aware that it’s lost a whole heap of its cash flow potential from selling that stream. And I’m aware that this company has diluted its share count given any opportunity to raise cash or pay down debt by emitting paper and has generally fucked its shareholders up the ass for years on end by promising and failing to deliver on so many occasions it numbs the brain even to think about it. But maybe this time it’s different, maybe it’s a buy.”
In other words, don’t ask me about Metanor people, yeah?

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