The events of last weekend were monumental in significance for the Obama presidency and for the ever-rising credibility of the sane and right-thinking right wing, so we should take a closer look at what happened:
- Rush Limbaugh was attending the “Freedom First!” conference in Washington DC with a group of other non-reactionary, non-polemic right wing intellectuals (Pat Buchanan, Dick Cheney etc)
- Rush remembered that Barack Obama had decided to make this weekend’s Presidential Radio Address a live version from the White House, so at the DC conference issued a challenge to Obama to make the airtime into a debate over policy and ideology.
- Obama was told about this and quickly replied: “Yes of course. The conference speakers can come over and we’ll set aside the airtime for an in-depth debate between their team and our team. This is good for the democratic process”.
- But Rush didn’t like that idea and shot back, “No! Just you and me, Barack. Rush versus Obama in a live debate that will show the world just how wonderful I am.”
- Obama refused the debate. “Look dude. Time to get real. I’ve offered you a platform to debate policy with my team but a one-on-one with me just ain’t gonna happen. I’m the POTUS, for cryin’ out loud! I’m Major League, you’re in the AAAs.”
- Limbaugh refuses the team debate, calls Obama a coward and claims moral victory. “How dare he refuse my offer? What he did was against all forms of free speech.”
Conclusion: If all this sounds weird and confusing, dear IKN Reader, just swap the name Barack for Hugo, Rush for Mario, Washington for Caracas and that’s exactly what went on last week. Mario Vargas Llosa is a dickhead. The end.