Oh this is fun, I get to break an exclusive! After hitting “publish” on the trading post underneath I got in touch with George Salamis, President of Rusoro (RML.v) and asked him his views. He told me about what was going on with the courtroom appeal application reported today and I said, “Hey, that’s good copy, mind if you go on the record with that?” Here agreed and here’s the result. Salamis exclusively told Inca Kola News;
“It’s hugely unfortunate that investors view (according to the share price of today) that this appeal represents new life for the bid.
“A couple of things to make clear. One, the bid is dead. We are not entertaining any discussions with, or about, Gold Reserve whatsoever. Two, we were extremely disappointed wth the findings of the court on matters of both fact and law. Accordingly, we have followed through with our public commitment to our shareholders to vigorously defend ourselves. Any success in the appeal will clarify our legal position, but we should be clear; success on this appeal will not trigger the revival of the bid.”
UPDATE: Reuters playing catchup