Take physic, pomp

Shock news! Poor Peruvian women prefer not to die while pregnant

Here’s the link to a CNN article that covers a new Amnesty International report about how pregnant women in Peru die at a rate 20 to 25 times greater than in the industrialized nations. To get the gist of the message, here’s an excerpt:

“Amnesty’s Peru researcher Nuria Garcia said in a statement: “The rates of maternal mortality in Peru are scandalous. The fact that so many women are dying from preventable causes is a human rights violation.

“The Peruvian state is simply ignoring its obligation to provide adequate maternal healthcare to all women, regardless of who they are and where they live.”

“Garcia added: “Health services for pregnant women in Peru are like a lottery: if you are poor and indigenous, the chances are you will always lose.””

How the criollo rulers of Peru must yearn for the days when the little brown people didn’t complain so much. Why they should suddenly insist on their so-called ‘human rights’ must confuse the Republic of Lima upper class no end.

Viva investment grade. Viva, viva, viva.

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