That’s what this chart is saying.

The crossover drop happened just before the big swoon in the broad markets at the end of September 2008. Was silver the canary in the coalmine? I don’t know about that one, but 20/20 hindsight makes it an intruiging thought.

So what does this tell us? In my view it tells us that we can throw out the gold:silver ratio for the time being, as silver and the miners that produce silver will perform as a direct function of the broad economy. Or in other words, silver is operating as a classic commodity. Stick the Ag price up on the kitco basemetals page and strike it from the main website page as of this moment.

Bottom line: Rules to trade silver as of today:
1) Watch the dow and forget about the price of gold. Silver is not tracking gold, it is tracking the broad markets. Silverbugs won’t like the idea of that, but since when have they been right about the market anyway?
2) If you feel there is significant upside in silver the metal, trade the silver stocks. They will give you more bang per buck, at least for the time being.
The final question to be asked is; “What would make silver ‘cross back’, leave the industrials behind and allow it to start tracking gold again?” That’s something that is worth thinking about for the medium term, but I really feel we have enough on our plates trying to survive on a week-to-week basis for the time being. Any suggestions for an answer to this part of the riddle gratefully received.