Meanwhile, guess what The USA’s greatest friend and regional ally Alvaro Uribe said about Hugo’s victory? Ready for a diatribe of criticism and fears for the future of Venezuela? Here’s English language daily Colombia Reports with the quote: “I will respond positively with a feeling of brotherhood with the Venezuelan people and I want to publicly congratulate President Chávez for the democratic victory and the Venezuelan people for participating in a referendum.” Explain that to Andres Oppenheimer, confusedgringoperson.
Now, what would a tiny, smelly (and recurring) little piece of horrid rumour about Kinross (KGC) and Russia heard by yours truly last week have to do with this note by Mish today? Something to do with the country running out of money? I dunno how all this fits together………
I like it when someone tells the Wall St. Journal to go kiss their collective asses. It’s even better when the teller can point out the factual errors made by the WSJ on its front page. Alex Dalmady has had a productive day one as a blogger, glad to say.
Chile’s copper export revenues dropped 58% (fifty-eight percent!) YoY in January, which is a main ingredient in Chilean suits saying the country will grow by just 1.4% in FY09. But this drop in copper prices apparently won’t affect world’s number two producer Peru, as President Twobreakfasts today said it would grow 5.5% GDP in 2009. Peru’s December growth was 4.9%. Nuff said.