Take physic, pomp

Thank you Canada, your new anti-spam e-mail law is the best thing ever and today proves it

It’s been fun to see the juniors to which I’m mail-subbed write in an ask me to click on their link because if not, Canada’s new anti-spam law will stop them from mailing me as of next month. It’s also been good to weed out the companies I no longer care about.
But today something marvellous happened. I got a mail that started like this:

5 Awesome Reasons To Confirm AGORACOM E-mail List

Oh thank you Canada! You guys rule! For years I’ve tried everything to get rid of these Agoracom scamming fuckers, every unsub link, all to no avail. But as from next week they’ll stop cluttering up my mailbox with their promopump shit. Bye bye forever, crudbags.

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