Take physic, pomp

The Alset (ION.v) scam: You have no further excuses…

…under the long-tested adage, “Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me”. Anyone stupid enough to walk headlong into this obvious pumpjob after what we saw yesterday…
…a price and volume spike on “news” that the company has received its drilling permits*, deserves everything they get from following companies run by unqualified scam runners like the ridiculous lip-flapping moron Allan Barry. Seriously, if you can’t see what’s going on just by looking at that chart and harbour even the minimal inkling that Alset (ION.v) offers you a trade potential, you need to walk away from this whole sector immediately and never return, for the financial sake of your children. Do Not Feed The Animals and be very clear, the people running this scam job, i.e. the Stares brothers and their lumpenprole useful idiot Barry, are prime examples of the animals to avoid.
*Top tip for greenhorns: receipt of drill permits has never been, is not and will never be market-moving news. It’s what juniors are supposed to do, because the only other alternative for an exploreco to receipt of permission to drill is a one-way street to nowhere land.

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