Take physic, pomp

The Alset Scam (ION.v): Get the picture

Oh how we laughed when Alset (ION.v), one of the Vancouver cesspool’s most obvious scams (and my stars there’s competition) released yet another waste of space NR this week and…oh what a surprise…the stock proceeded to pop on the news then immediately drop.
Why the ironic use of the verb between ellipses? Well folks, all you need to do is check back over the last six months of this scam to see the pattern, it’s like deja vu all over again.

1: April 4th and April 19th: Firs the classic scamsters move of a name change, then a NR with flashy showy headlines with content of nothing. 
2: May 15th. A month later, we get another empty NR with flashy sounding headline to fool
neophytes, with BS spiel by scam head CEO Allan Barry Laboucan.
3: July 11th. We need to wait and wait for overdue drill results and when they turn up, same story. The showy header, the stupid BS spiel by scam head CEO Allan Barry Laboucan, the pop, the drop.
4: August 9th. And now we just copypaste. Another empty NR with flashy sounding headline to fool
neophytes, with BS spiel by scam head CEO Allan Barry Laboucan.
5: October 2nd. Another empty NR with flashy sounding headline to fool neophytes, with BS spiel by scam head CEO Allan Barry Laboucan.
Only a Rex Tillerson level moron would keep falling for this scam time after time. However, the parasites of this world like Allan Barry know there are plenty of them, which is why he hangs around CEO.ca because a guy like Tommy Humphreys (aka Lord Haw-Haw) attracts them like flies to shit.

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