Take physic, pomp

The Bolivian mercenary terrorist cell and how they were funded: A primer for journalists

I’ve been moaning to a couple of mailpals this last 24 hours that know the mediaworld about the ongoing harassment (there is no other word) I’m getting from English language journalists about this Bolivian mercenary Evo assassination death terror squad thing. I mean, when (as one example of many) I write a polite but direct reply to the WSJ’s hack in LatAm telling him that I don’t want to be famous, I have no wish to be interviewed or mentioned in his rag and ask him specifically not to write again and he then sends not one but two more mails, the lack of respect oozes through his pores.

My pals (who know the world of media) don’t really understand why I should be bugged like this, either. For one thing, I just ran a couple of posts on the issue…no biggie. For another, it’s not as if the blog coverage here on Martin Dwyer was some kind of unearthly secret, either. It just happened to get out there first via this humble corner of cyberspace, but it’s all public domain stuff anyway and any decent reporter wouldn’t need to waste his salaried time on a free-to-access blog and its unpaid blogger. So rather than put up with this shit any longer, here are a few pointers for those that would rather drink FruityRumPunch and regurgitate other people’s work than actually do their own investigation (I mean…perish the thought). What follows are pointers to the real big story that will unfold in the next few days but I’m not going to spoonfeed you the thing. And by the way, all links are in Spanish (one’s in Portuguese in fact) so you need to know a bit more than “Quiero una cerveza” to get to the bottom of it.

1) This is the link to an ABI report that has an un-named source (who was clearly a witness to the closed session committal hearing of the two terrorist survivors in La Paz yesterday) saying that the terrorist cell was being funded by the Santa Cruz secret masonic lodges. These lodges are not affiliated to the official Bolivian Freemasons because the official people don’t like how they were formed, what they say and what they do in their meetings.

2) This is the link to a page on which you can find Reymi Ferreira’s 1994 study of the Lodges of Santa Cruz, 100% essential background reading into these pieces of shit.

3) This link and this link are where you can read that since 1994, the Toborochi lodge (one of the two secret lodges under question here) has been taken over by Branco Marinkovic, the opposition leader, oil magnate and thoroughly unlikeable racist turd who has been organizing both legal and illegal resistance to the government of Evo Morales these last few years.

4) This is the link to a video interview with an ex-secret lodge member who decided to betray them because he saw they were working to illegally destabilize Bolivia.

You also note along the way just how many times the word “Croatia” comes up in polite conversation. Branco is Croat blood, so was the leader the mercenaries. His cohorts with the exception of Dwyer all fought in the Croatian war and the same battalion (and according to shared tattoos also trained in the same training centre). If you check out this link you’ll even find out the term for the region, “media luna”, was co-opted from Croatian history. Also, take a wild guess as to where the expelled US Ambassador to Bolivia, Phillip Goldberg, was stationed in the 1990’s.

The rest is up to you, hackos, but all roads lead to the same place and the same person, who is also a person with extreme both racist and anti-communist sentiments, a lot of money and a lot to lose under Evo’s land reform. The next one of you to bug me with your inane line of questioning (with the notable exception of the three reporters who were polite and respectful… you know who you are because I mentioned that your good manners were appreciated in my replies) gets flamed on the blog, including name, name of editor, e-mail address and the rest.

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