Met him on a Monday and my heart stood still
De Doe Run Run Run, De Doe Run Run
Somebody told me that his name was Ira
De Doe Run Run Run, De Doe Run Run
De Doe Run Run Run, De Doe Run Run
Somebody told me that his name was Ira
De Doe Run Run Run, De Doe Run Run
- We have an owner, Ira Rennert, who just doesn’t give a monkey’s. He’s got the money and he’ll be damned if he’s giving any of it back.
- We have a government run by a born-again neolib that couldn’t possibly go back to his roots and face the plain fact that his country needs to expropriate and take over Doe Run.
- We have a mining ministry stuck between Twobreakfast’s dogma and Rennert’s barefaced capitalistic middle finger stuck in its face.
- We have a whole bunch of workers that are protesting and cutting roads because they want to work, earn money and put a meal on their family table. They don’t have any issues here except ‘allow me to do a day’s labour’. They even take the pollution in their stride.
But now, in true Rosencrantz and Guildenstern farce-amongst-tragedy style, we have Peru’s SNMPE (The mining society people who do little but organize cocktail parties in The Republic of Lima) sticking their dos centavos into the mix and making Ira not quake in his boots about his rescinded membership card. The most pitiful thing is that the SNMPE really thinks it’s shaking up the world with this move, the pity only matched Chez Otto by the idiot reporters who think this is worthy of headlines. NOBODY CARES . Here’s BN Americas with the details:
Peru’s national oil, mining and energy society SNMPE has suspended US-owned Doe Run PerĂº’s rights as a member for non-compliance with the society’s code of conduct.
The code of conduct requires companies to use mineral resources responsibly, make real and measurable contributions to the community, conduct business in an economically and socially sustainable manner, and fully observe the country’s laws and norms.
SNMPE has sent a letter to Doe Run PerĂº communicating the decision, according to state news agency Andina.
The suspension could be followed by the company’s full exclusion from SNMPE if it does not complete a series of cleanups and modernizations, called PAMA initiatives, at its La Oroya polymetallic smelter. Doe Run has an October 31 deadline to fulfill its PAMA obligations Continues here