Take physic, pomp

The Friday OT: Boomtown Rats; She’s So Modern

Your humble scribe is knocking off early today, going to a have a plate of fish in his fave restaurant and thusly leaves you with slice of rockin’ vintage punk.

My elder sister bought The Rats’ 2nd album Tonic For The Troops way waaaaay before anyone had ever heard of Live Aid or Sir Bob or The Fine Art of Surfacing (crap follow-up album) or I Don’t Like Mondays. It was a killer disc (Like Clockwork, Me and Howard Hughes, The Normal People, Rat Trap, etc) and she never knew how much I played it while she was out the house. But She’s So Modern was the standout, the one that got repeat-played by picking up the needle and putting it back down at the start again. Above is the band in full flow on Top of the Pops, circa 1978. Great performance, great tune, great memories.

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