Take physic, pomp

The Friday OT: Daniil Trifonov plays JS Bach’s ‘Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring’ (BWV 147)

Christmas is coming:

Last weekend Daniil Trifonov picked up the 2021 OPUS Klassik Award for ‘Instrumentalist of the Year’ and at the gala, played the Myra Hess adaptation of BWV147 for unaccompanied piano. I saw the YouTube Monday and immediately sent it to a bunch of friends on WhatsApp, now it’s your turn. Trifonov slows down one of the Bach tunes we all know, adds his magic and the result is nothing short of spellbinding. Five minutes of YouTube bliss here.


    Trifonov is great…and as a Chopin lover, I really love his music


      When Russian men go intense and arty there’s nothing quite like it. They rise above the parody, he’s a Brother Karamazov in the 21st century. And man, can he play!


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