The full album, with playlist below:
As mentioned over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been on this Road-To-Damascus-like discovery jag on Paco de Lucía. Glad to say that the feedback from a few of you has been very positive (at least a couple of regulars enjoying this superlative stuff as much as I). With that in mind, this Youtube is the one I’ve gone back to the most in which we get 37 minutes of musical amazement that gets better every time you go back. The only one I’ve been skipping is ‘Cobre’ because I’ve noticed how my ambivalence towards Sevillanas has been confirmed over the fortnight. However, do have a shot at this, at least tracks one and two. And Plaza Alta (my mad stars, how could he possibly do that?), which is impossibly beautiful. The man was beyond genius with a guitar, those out there who are smarter about de Lucía than I have known this for decades, IKN plays catch-up with necessary humility.
1. Almoraima (Bulerías) – 00:00
2. Cueva del gato (Rondeña) – 5:33
3. Cobre (Sevillanas) – 11:17
4. A la Perla de Cádiz (Cantiñas) – 14:27
5. Ole (Jaleos) – 18:55
6. Plaza Alta (Soleá) – 23:15
7. Río Ancho (Rumba) – 29:25
8. Llanos del Real (Minera) – 33:54