Take physic, pomp

The Friday OT: Radiohead; Everything In Its Right Place

In a recent article in The UK Times (ok, they’re going to be Britbiased, but WTF) Radiohead’s Kid A came out as the best album of the decade. I agree. It’s sad on one level that the best came out in the year 2000 and it’s been downhill since then. On the other hand, when I read the article the memories of jawdrop-stunned when listening to it for the first time came flooding back.

This is a non-official video made by some arty type that I found on youtube. It’s not bad, but you’ll do just as well to listen to the track and flick over to another tab on your interwebs….and i betcha if you do you won’t be able to concentrate on any reading until the music stops.

There are two colours in my head.

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