Take physic, pomp

The Friday OT: Tony McGuinness; Deep Set 16 from Santorini

Tony McGuinness has now done 30 of these deep house sets. He started during the main 2020 Covid-19 lockdown and they took off, these days it’s popular enough to have become its own series. “Tony’s Sets” have their own YouTube following and fans, he also brings in guests and sometimes stretches them to as long as nine hours…

…but this 3-hour jewel is the best of the lot. I’ve hit play on this mega study background dozens of times while at the desk. The first twenty minutes is full of enjoyable, pleasant, well mixed choices which you are bound to enjoy, around then Tony’s mastery begins. Your know-nothing, make-it-up, junior mining anal yst report-writing pro-tip of the week. YouTube here.

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