….. we are forced to conclude that:
1) If you buy today and the stock moves back to 80c, Lobito is right.
2) If you buy today and the stock stays below 80c, it’s still a great buying opp for BYV and Lobito is right.
3) If you buy today and the stock drops, you get to buy again at 65c and Lobito is right
UPDATE: Interesting comment left below by “Casey Subber #19392118″ (which presumably means something to them, as they’re bound to have an index system):
I admit that I’m a fairly long-time Casey subber and the quality of their picks and confidence in their picks have fallen substantially over the past couple years. They stopped recommending any stocks for about a year because their “Spidey senses” felt a big correction was on its way and now that the market has gone up a ton they do this three tranche buying model. Hmm, guys, let’s see. So, it is a good buy now for 1/3rd of my money but just in case the stock goes down you’re telling me to buy more at that price. Oh, then if there is a “market meltdown” I should buy more at that point. What if I buy 1/3rd now and the price goes up? Oh wait, I know what happens. You post a double recommendation that says Take Profits/Buy First tranche for new subscribers. Again, what a ridiculous recommendation. Sounds like the foundation of a pyramid scheme.
I know Casey Research follows this blog so why don’t you focus a bit more on finding good stocks with good fundamentals and a little less on your marketing. The only reason I still subscribe is I am locked in at your old rates and the subscription costs me next to nothing. I would never consider the new price of $1000 per year. Hah! What a joke.
So, Doug, David, Louis, Marin et al — grow a set, get off the fernce and make a solid call like you used to.
Posted by Casey Subber #19392118 to IKN at 1:45 PM