Take physic, pomp

The IKN Weekly making a difference

Profits have just been taken on two stocks in The IKN Weekly “stocks to follow” list. Subscribers know which two because the planned sales were outlined in a flash update sent this morning. Full profits were taken on one for a 42% gain and half profits were taken on the other for a 66% gain. It’s been a pretty good month, all in all 🙂

As for this weekend’s edition, here’s a list of some (not all) of the fun on offer in IKN5:

  • An exclusive interview with the CEO of one of our preferred stocks
  • An examination of the “all boats rise” phenomenon that we’re seeing right now and how to navigate the bullish sector feeling over the longer term
  • An updated NOBS report on my top pick for the year, Troy Resources (TRY.to)
  • A headsup on an interesting mining play flying under virtually all radars
As well as all the usual notes and comments on political and company happenings to mark subscribers’ cards for the future. So if you haven’t signed up yet, hopefully this post might tempt you to risk 25 bucks and find out for yourself. All new subscribers also get issue one as a freebie, as it gives background on the objectives for the service and a starting point to see how we’ve been getting on with the picks (well in the green, for sure). The subs buttons are over there on the right. Have a good day, people.

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