Not to be published or broadcast before
Thursday, 19 February 2009, at 1100 hours (CET)
Anyway, no surprises to find out that Colombia is still the biggest cocaine manufacturer in the world, but you might be surpised to find out that despite the six point seven billion dollars the USA has wasted on Plan Colombia since its inception, the growth in coca harvesting is by far the greatest in Colombia (55%), with Peru (29%) and Bolivia (16%), quite frankly, a couple of dowdy laggards. Amazing to hear the media portray Bolivia as the drugs scourge and Colombia as the great drugs freedom fighters of the 21st century, isn’t it?
Here are the charts, with this one shows total area of cultivation, and that big wodge of Colombia translates as a rather large 99,000 hectares.
This one shows the growth in production between 2007 and 2008. Colombia at 27% sure has a decent growth industry on its hands, no? I mean, Peru and Bolivia’s country GDPs grew faster than its cocaine industry in 2008 (both 5%)….those narcos need to get busier down there cos they’re being put to shame by Land of Uribe, or even by their own governments!
Anyway, have a good read of the 2009 INCB report by downloading it here and be 12 hours ahead of the rest of the world. This was an IKN exclusive report, brought to you by spending too much time online.