Take physic, pomp

The INV Metals (INV.to) promo pump didn’t last long

Seems that big online virtual showcase push of the week before last has fallen flat. Hope it wasn’t anything I said.

PS: For newbies tuning in: First, junior mining companies pitch prospective investors. Then some of those prospects buy shares. Then IKN points out a few obvious negatives that the company forgot and its shareholders didn’t know about, then everyone hates me. The end.


    Hi Otto.

    I need to know your email address to send you important information.

    Can you give it to me, through mine?

    Thank you

    The volume on the chart would suggest the only sudden change in interest was from a promo, hence no spike in volume relating to downward SP. But…probably makes you feel good to think it was you vs blowback on promo, which is indicated again by the chart.

      Probably makes you feel good talk to people like that. Probably makes you feel good to lose money. Probably makes you feel good to remain ignorant all your life. Probably makes you feel good to use ellipses in comments, as they add such drama to your work.

    Nobody listens to you. You’re delusional. As my friends in Toronto say…you’re the TMZ of mining. Water cooler talk. You’ve soiled your own credibility by making too many false claims.

    How’s you Contact Gold pick doing?

      I bought C.v for 40c and sold the shares for 18c in February 2020. Any reason why you ask? Do you expect me to pick 100% winners in junior miners? Are you afraid of losing? Did you vote Orange Stupid?

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