1. On Peru’s CNR radio this morning, Andrew Bristow (Monterrico Metal’s IR person and glorious piece of shit) said the following:
“I am not going to go into this situation (story), it doesn’t seem appropriate to me. Anybody can make accusations of any type and I’m not going to get into some kind of media debate about it….. I’m not going to participate. I repeat, the company Río Blanco Copper will have to make a decision (first).”
All this was connected with the clear case of torture we’ve covered here over the last week (see below for previous posts). It was also connected with declarations made by the journalist Julio Vásquez who was kidnapped along with the 28 indigenous locals. Vásquez said on the program that while being held and tortured at Majaz (now called Río Blanco) for the three days, he heard one of the Majaz people say that they were tortured “on orders from Bristow”, who was at the time operations manager at the mine.
2. Today Otto received the following e-mail (via the kind Matt) from the Human Rights National Coordinator of Peru (CNDDHH). It also came with a very interesting attachment that you can access yourself by clicking right here.
The good news is that CNDDHH (who is the bigboy Peru national body…this is not some scrawny NGO people, these people are the real deal) is sending a representative over to London next week to spread the word about the disgusting Monterrico Metals and their torture tactics in Peru. This story is not going away, Bristow (and I already know you read the blog, you fat slob. Otto got good spies).
Here’s the mail in full; feel free to contact Baraybar on the mail address provided.
Dear Friends:
I am writing you from the Human Rights National Coordinator of Peru; a non profit organization who works on the protection of the human rights in our country. I’m writing in regard of the latest event’s in the “Majaz Case”, where some security officers of the Majaz Mine and a group of Peruvian police officers tortured a group of peaseants.
Please, find enclosed the letter that the Executive Secretary of our organization are sending to many internationals institutions in the effort of showing to the International comunitee this emblematic case.
Also, we hope you can express your concern about the problem of the torture, and the importance of an in-depth investigation in the case we have made reference in the letter enclosed, to the Peruvian authorities.
One of our collegues, Mr. Juan Pablo Baraybar from the Peruvian Equipment of Forensic Anthropology (EPAF)will be in London during next days. For further information you can contact him at baraybar(AT)epafperu.org
Yours Sincerely,
Carmela Chávez Irigoyen
Responsible of International Affairs
Human Rights National Coordinator of Peru
Phone: 00511 419 1111 extension 111 / 00511 9 9995 3745 (cel phone)
Fax: 0051 1 419 1112
Address: Pezet y Monel (antes Tupac Amaru) 2467 Lince Lima – Perú
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