Take physic, pomp

The Stanford Scandal: Alex Dalmady speaks

Allen Stanford looking cool, calm and relaxed.
A photograph that was not taken this week.
Over at Devil’s Excrement there are two new posts up and both are required reading for all you people looking into the Allen Stanford / Stanford International Bank story (and that’s a heap of you by the looks of my Google search hits).

1. This story by DiabloCaca himself that gives a pretty accurate timeline of how the story has gone from bubbling under in the Venezuelan blogosphere to hitting the world business (and sport for that matter) headines. M.O. is even kind enough to link this humble corner of cyberspace (and I hear ya MO on the H man).

2. Alex Dalmady, author of the report Duck Tales that is at the centre of the whole media turmoil, has written a post too. This is an unmissable post that shows how Alex stumbled upon the SIB story and how it moved from the Venezuelan inside biz circle to where it is today. And sincere thanks for writing a kind word about IKN, Alex. Appreciated.

Finally, there’s this:
An extensive December 2008 interview with Allen Stanford in World Finance Magazine. Stanford is named “World Finance Man of the Year”. The interview starts on page 32. Well worth a read.

This is the Devil’s excrement owner post

This is the Alex Dalmady post

This is the Alex Dalmady post at Devil’s Excrement’s alternative site (just in case)

Go now.

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PS to Alex: Any chance of a copy of that spreadsheet? otto.rock1(AT)gmail(DOT)com

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